Dear Soul Tender,

Welcome! I’m so glad you are here.

This newsletter is all about being whole-in-soul, together. Here we’ll explore a diverse and inclusive assortment of life-giving topics related to caregiving, feminism (and human rights) at the intersection of disability, pain, identity and motherhood. It is my hope and prayer that every conversation is supportive of how we might fully occupy love, regardless of circumstance.

Love As A Place

What place is this

we finally occupy

that love always

does exist

I ask my body this

my life

feel it answer


All of this to say, at the end of every day I want to know that I have landed in love over and over again. Find that love is where my feet met Mother Earth. Let it be where I sew roots.

How about you?

I’ll be honest with you. My life is what I call complicated. I’m a disability-adjacent woman who lives with multiple complex disease processes in her precious bod; I’m a student of contemplative spirituality; and, I’m the parent of a child with significant mental health needs. (I’ll throw in the mix that I have a lengthy trauma history: relational, medical, religious, etc.) I’m human. And, it would be easy to get stuck. Yet right here, I keep growing; my compassion for all of us expanding tenfold daily. It continues to expand. When we learn to love ourselves - we learn to love the world better, too. I’m sure of it.

This is where I want to meet you.

Because it’s a long road coming home to ourselves, darling soul.

(And, I still believe we can.)

About me

I’m Jennifer - author of Bliss & Blue, memoist, soulful companion for caregivers in birth work, motherhood, parenting and pastoral care; and an authority on both occupying & honoring our complex bodies, minds and lives with compassion & love.

As a writer, I get to speak life into companions and caregivers of all kinds. If I might say so, our evolution is this most beautiful thing I’ve witnessed to date. The way we keep showing up for ourselves and the world, an act of good and God. With personal experience of the chaos and complexity to exist throughout the caregiving years, my ongoing work is that humanity knows peace. The kind that begins within and echoes throughout generations to come.

We are better together, beloved.

With you as we manifest Heaven here.

I love you, I love you, I love you,

J. 🌻

It is such a gift to be here with you, kindred soul. You are invited for to click subscribe and/or share Dear Soul Tender with those whom you love.

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Inclusive musings for the spiritual wellness and mental health of caregiving bodies at the intersection of disability, pain, identity and motherhood.


Memoirist, grief doula, educator, advocate and story keeper honoring the spiritual lives and mental health of caregiving bodies at the intersection of disability, pain, identity and motherhood since forever or 2011.